Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 74 - The Fruits of the Capilla Abierta

Buenos Dias!

This has been an awesome week here in Primavera. The Capilla Abierta (Chapel Openhouse) was super successful last week. We were able to help lots of people come to an understanding as to who we are and what we teach it. The most important thing we were able to accomplish was to help others feel the spirit while learning about their Savior Jesus Christ. 

This week we had our multi zone conferences where multiple zones from the mission get together to enjoy a training and conference from President Marble. It was an awesome experience and we talked a lot about goal setting. Goals are acts of faith that allow us to reach our full potential and keep our actions guided always. In life when there are no goals we just kind of wander aimlessly, but when we are able to focus on a goal we can always take the actions necessary to reach that goal. Even if it is difficult the Lord taught Nephi in the Book of Mormon that He will always prepare the way if it is a righteous cause. In this case we, as God´s children, need a righteous goal to guide every single one of our actions. This goal is to have Eternal Life, which means to live with our families, in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, for eternity. The only thing we need to do to reach this goal is to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To have Faith in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. If we do this, thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ, even though we are all imperfect, He will make this goal achievable. It is awesome. This is the ultimate goal and I hope that everyone can keep it in mind when they are making any type of decision. 

The mission life is going great and flying by way too fast. 

Elder Vassau

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